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About Nanxiu

2017 Nanxiu in Horyuji cropped.jpg

2022年11月16日,在与癌症进行了长期斗争后,钱南秀在德克萨斯州休斯顿平静地去世,享年75岁。南秀于1947年6月18日出生在中国南京,父母是钱自民和周璘,她身后留下了儿子朱亮,朱亮的妻子徐琛,女儿Emma Linfeng Zhu;南秀的姐妹:钱曼倩、钱菊京、钱增约、她的兄弟钱大为和钱大经,她的侄子钱暘暘、钱眺眺、王卓、宁华以及她的侄女解隽、宁莉和徐梦珂。







Her research in Chinese, Japanese and Western languages gave her scholarship particular breadth, depth and analytical rigor. She had a penetrating intellect, and the topics that interested her ranged widely. She wrote gracefully in both Chinese and English. In the West, she was best known for her pioneering and much-cited work on the enormously influential fifth-century Chinese masterpiece Shishuo xinyu (A New Account of Tales of the World), but she also wrote extensively on a great many other Chinese literary works spanning some two thousand years, from the Lienü zhuan (Biographies of Exemplary Women; first century BCE), to twentieth century fiction in Taiwan, and gender studies in contemporary American China Studies.

Her last single-authored book was Politics, Poetics, and Gender in Late Qing China: Xue Shaohui and the Era of Reform (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2015), a highly regarded political and literary biography of a remarkable woman scholar in late nineteenth and early twentieth century China. Among Xue’s many achievements, her collection of the life stories of more than 200 “exemplary” foreign women demonstrated to Chinese readers, in Nanxiu’s words, how these individuals “carved their self-invented space within the maledominated world.”

Nanxiu also wrote dozens of stimulating articles, essays and book chapters in Chinese and English, authored or co-authored several books in Chinese, and co-edited several conference volumes in both English and Chinese, including Different Worlds of Discourse: Transformations of Gender and Genre in Late Qing and Early Republican China and Beyond (Leiden: Brill, 2008), Zhongguo wenxue: Chuantong yu xiandai de duihua (Chinese Literature: Conversations between Tradition and Modernity (Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2007), and Tradition and Modernity: Gender, Genre, and Cosmopolitanism in Late Qing China (Leiden: Brill, 2004).

But above all, and this is the true measure of a life, Nanxiu was a truly wonderful person. Everyone who knew her enjoyed, respected and admired her. She was extraordinarily generous with her knowledge and her time, kind to everyone, and full of vitality, wit, and good humor.

She will be sorely missed.

Written by the George and Nancy Rupp Professor Emeritus of Humanities Richard J. Smith

On Jan 6, 2023, we laid our dear colleague Dr. Nanxiu Qian to rest at her tree at Rice. Dr. Richard J. Smith, Dr. Shihshan Susan Huang, and Dr. Julie Fette went to inspect the tree’s surrounding (including visiting Richard’s tree, and walking to Nanxiu’s tree from there). We burned incense sticks to purify the surroundings. Then we went to Nanxiu’s office, burned incense in front of her ashes, and offered flowers that Julie had prepared. Susan recited Li Bo’s poem, which Richard had selected. Richard recited the English translation. We then brought Nanxiu’s ashes to her tree, buried her ashes, burned incense, and recited Li Bo’s poem again. Nanxiu is now resting in a “xue” (hole/lair/cave)穴 three of us created.

On Apr 7, 2023 we held a memorial for Nanxiu. Many thanks to Rice University, and the Department of Transnational Asian Studies, for hosting this memorial. Special thanks for all who spoke at the event, and who shared their experiences of our Nanxiu with us all: Dr. Lisa Balabanlilar, Dr. Kathleen Canning, Dr. Richard J. Smith, Liang Zhu, Dr. Shihshan Susan Huang, Lisa Hsieh, and Sarah J. Kong.

Many thanks to all our visitors