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Grants received for the collaborative research project “Reconsidering the Sino Cultural Sphere: A Critical Examination of the Use of Literary Chinese by East Asian Cultures,” as PI, with Richard J. Smith (Rice University) and Bowei Zhang (Nanjing University, China).
This collaborative research project has held an international conference on March 30-April 1,

2017, the first conference to bring Asian scholars previously unconnected to Western academic institutions into direct conversation with their Western colleagues on this major area of study. We are now in the process of editing the 25 conference papers into two volumes that will be forthcoming from Cambria Press in 2019.
1. NEH (National Endowment for the Humanities) Award for the collaborative research project, RZ-249860-16, $65,000
2. Rice Faculty Initiatives Fund, Rice, $22,000
3. The Humanities Research Center research project grants, Rice, $8,000
4. The Dean of Scholar of Humanities, Rice, $14,000
5. The Chao Center for Asian Studies, Rice, $13,000


Faculty Teaching Release Fellowships, Humanities Research Center, Rice University.


Stephen C. Soong Translation Studies Memorial Awards 2012, Special Mention (the only award that year), awarded by the Research Centre for Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, for my article, “Space Expansion for Late Qing Women: Xue Shaohui’s Motivation and Purpose of Compiling the Biographies of Foreign Women,” Studies in Translation History, Vol. 1 (2011).


Rice International Collaboration Travel Fund


CCK (Chang Ching-kuo Foundation) Award for the Conference “Chinese Literature: Conversations between Tradition and Modernity,” with Zhang Hongsheng, held June 23- 26, 2005, Nanjing.


NEH Award for the collaborative research project, “Beyond Tradition and Modernity: Gender, Genre, and the Negotiation of Knowledge in Late Qing China,” as PI, with Grace Fong and Richard J. Smith.

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