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“Wan-Qing nü shiren Xue Shaohui yu Wuxu bianfa” 晚清女詩人薛紹徽與戊戌變法 (The late Qing woman poet Xue Shaohui [1866-1911] and the 1898 Reform Movement). In Wan-Ming yu wan-Qing: Lishi chuancheng yu wenhua chuangxin 晚明與晚清:歷史傳承與文化創新 (Late Ming and late Qing: Historical continuation and cultural transformation), edited by Chen Pingyuan, Wang Dewei, and Shang Wei. Wuhan: Hubei jiaoyu chubanshe, 2002. 352-374.
“Wan-Qing nü shiren Xue Shaohui yu Wuxu bianfa” 晚清女詩人薛紹徽與戊戌變法 (The late Qing woman poet Xue Shaohui [1866-1911] and the 1898 Reform Movement)


“Wan-Qing nü shiren Xue Shaohui yu Wuxu bianfa” 晚清女詩人薛紹徽與戊戌變法 (The late Qing woman poet Xue Shaohui [1866-1911] and the 1898 Reform Movement)


author: Qian, Nanxiu; editor: Chen, Pingyuan; editor: Wang, Dewei; editor: Shang, Wei




Journal Article


Journal Articles, Book Chapters, and Review Essays

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